domingo, 26 de abril de 2009


Write about the influence of psychologists on our society. Are they well considered? Could they be the answer to our psychological necessities?

Every day, there are more people who need external help because of the stress, personality problems, worries, fears... For these problems it's increasing the number of people who assist or ask for help to psychologists.

Although, there are a lot of people in our society that do not accept the advice which psychologists can give to. Those people who don't believe in the psychologists' help think that the only person who needs to go to psychological centre has to be crazy; they think that these centres is not for the society who needs only help.
However, there are people who consider very well the psychologist's job and their solutions in front of the patients' problems.

Personally, they can give us a good help with their treatments and advice on our problems, but not all of them can work, and not all the problems can be solved. So, I think we have to give them an opportunity if we need to tell someone our problems or worries, and that they can give us their advice respect our necessities. In fact, psychologists are as a doctor and we have to trust in them.

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